
How To Upload Html Verification File To Website

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for getting your WordPress website the traffic it deserves.

SEO has become such an integral part of creating a successful site that today there'south an entire industry of agencies and specialists dedicated to helping businesses amend their SEO.

If your website is going to accomplish the widest possible audience, so you need SEO, and the first footstep to boosting your website's search engine performance is registering information technology with the Google Search Console.

Once you've added your WordPress website to the free Google console, you'll accept access to all the tools you need to monitor, analyze and optimize your site's search engine rankings, making this console essential for fine-tuning your website's SEO.

In this article, I'll embrace 2 means that you can register your website with the Google Search Panel: uploading a Google HTML verification file to your WordPress account, and re-create/pasting some lawmaking into your website's homepage. Regardless of how you lot're hosting your WordPress website, past the end of this article you can exist confident that Google will have no bug finding, crawling and indexing your site.

What Can I Exercise With the Google Search Console?

Google'south Search Console provides a range of tools that you can utilise to scrutinize and improve your website's overall search engine performance.

One time you've registered your website with this console, you'll be able to:

  • Optimize your content. You can identify the queries that are driving traffic to your website, and then fine-tune your content to capitalize on the well-nigh lucrative search terms.
  • Register new webpages. You tin can utilise the URL Inspection tool to ensure that Google has admission to whatever new webpages you add to your website. Past using the Console, you can start driving traffic to your new pages as presently every bit they're live.
  • Review your index coverage. This tool allows you lot to ensure that Google is looking at the near recent version of your website.
  • Identify and set up any issues. The Google Search Console will electronic mail y'all well-nigh whatever security or indexing issues it discovers, and then y'all tin resolve these issues earlier they get-go to have a negative impact on your search engine functioning.

For a more in-depth expect at all the tools that are bachelor as part of the Google Search Console, cheque out the console's official documentation.

Register Your Website With Google

In this section, I'll prove you lot how to register with the Google Search Console by uploading an HTML file to your website'southward root directory. The exact steps may vary, depending on your hosting provider and how your website is set upwards, and then if you lot're struggling to add this file to your website, skip ahead to the post-obit section, where we'll be exploring an alternative method of registering with the Google Search Console.

How to Create a Google HTML Verification File

The start pace is to generate an HTML verification file for our website:

  • Head over to the Google Search Console and select Start now.
  • When prompted, enter the username and countersign for your Gmail business relationship.

At this point, you can verify your website using either its domain proper noun or URL prefix. At the time of writing,Domain name only supported DNS verification, so opt for URL prefix. Enter your website's URL, and then click Proceed.

When registering your WordPress website you can choose between Domain name and URL prefix When registering your WordPress website you can choose between Domain name and URL prefix When registering your WordPress website you can choose between Domain name and URL prefix

Click to expand the HTML File section, then click the Download this file button. The HTML file will now be downloaded to your local machine.

Uploading Your HTML File to WordPress

Next, we need to upload our HTML file using an FTP client.

There are plenty of FTP clients on the marketplace, but I'll be using the gratuitous FileZilla application, which is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows. If y'all don't already accept FileZilla, then caput over to the FileZilla website and download the latest version.

Launch FileZilla and enter your FTP username and password, which should have been included in your welcome e-mail when y'all signed up for your WordPress hosting account. Alternatively, if you're using cPanel, and then yous'll observe your FTP account information in the cPanel dashboard.

Once FileZilla has successfully connected to your server, select File > Site Manager... from FileZilla's toolbar. If you're connecting FileZilla to your WordPress website for the commencement time, then select the New Site push button.

In the subsequent class, provide the Host, which is typically your website'southward domain proper noun.

There are multiple FTP clients on the market but Im using FileZilla which is free to download There are multiple FTP clients on the market but Im using FileZilla which is free to download There are multiple FTP clients on the market but Im using FileZilla which is free to download
  • Open the Protocol dropdown and select SFTP.
  • Open the Logon Type field and select Normal.
  • Enter your FTP username and password when prompted.

When y'all're happy with the information you've entered, click Go along and FileZilla will open up a new FTP connection.

If this is the offset time connecting to your website from this computer, and so FileZilla may display an Unknown certificate popup. Select the Always trust certificate for future sessions checkbox, and then click OK.

FileZilla will now connect to your website using the provided credentials. Once FileZilla has connected successfully, you'll see a list of all your site'south files and folders in a new Remote column.

Y'all at present need to place the HTML file in your website'southward root directory. This directory is often the /public_html/ folder, although the directory proper noun can vary depending on your hosting provider—for example, it might be labelled wwwroot or wordpress. You can ofttimes locate the root directory by clicking to expand the / directory so double-clicking the first directory that appears.

Once you're within the root directory, yous're ready to upload your HTML file. FileZilla'south Local column displays all the files on your computer, so navigate to your HTML file, Control-click it, so select Upload. This HTML file will now be uploaded to your WordPress account.

Picture dorsum to the Google Search Panel tab and click the Verify button. After a few moments, y'all should run into an Ownership Verified message.

If you caput back to the Google Search Console, so y'all should now take access to diverse tools that yous tin can apply to clarify and optimize your website's SEO performance.

You can analyze your websites performance using the various Google Search Console tools You can analyze your websites performance using the various Google Search Console tools You can analyze your websites performance using the various Google Search Console tools

HTML Tags: How to Add Your Site to the Google Search Console

Alternatively, you tin can annals your site with the Google Search Console, past re-create/pasting some HTML into your website's header:

  • Head over to the Google Search Console and select Start now.
  • Enter your Gmail username and countersign.
  • Select URL prefix and then enter your website's URL. Click Keep.
  • Click to expand the HTML tag section.
  • You should now have access to a meta tag that you tin re-create/paste into your website's header. Click the Copy button to become started.

Next, you need to verify that y'all own your website by pasting the HTML tag into WordPress. To make this process every bit painless as possible, I'll be getting some help from the Insert Headers and Footers plugin:

  • In a new tab, log in to your WordPress account.
  • In WordPress's left-mitt card, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for the Insert Headers and Footers plugin, and when it appears, click Install Now. Activate this plugin when prompted.
  • In WordPress's left-hand menu, select Settings > Insert Headers and Footers.
  • Paste your HTML tag into the Scripts in Header box, and and so click Relieve.
Copypaste the Google Search Consoles HTML tag into the Scripts in Header box Copypaste the Google Search Consoles HTML tag into the Scripts in Header box Copypaste the Google Search Consoles HTML tag into the Scripts in Header box
  • Pic back to your Google Search Console tab, and click the Verify button. After a few moments, you should see an Ownership Verified bulletin.
  • Click Get to Property.

You should at present exist viewing the Google Search Panel dashboard for your website.

Are You Using the Yoast SEO Plugin?

If you're using the popular Yoast SEO plugin, then you tin can help Google detect and index your website's content by uploading an XML sitemap. This XML file supplies Google with a list of all your site'south content, in a motorcar-readable format:

  • In WordPress's left-manus menu, select SEO > General, and then select the Features tab.
Find the XML sitemaps slider and push it into the On position Find the XML sitemaps slider and push it into the On position Find the XML sitemaps slider and push it into the On position

Find the XML sitemaps section and push its slider into the On position. So click the slider's accompanyingquestion marker icon.

Select the Run across the XML sitemap link, and WordPress should open this link in a new tab. Re-create the tab's URL.

If you oasis't already, open up the Google Search Panel, click the bill of fare icon in the upper-left corner, and and so select your website. You should at present exist viewing the Google Search Panel dashboard.

In the Console's left-hand menu, select Sitemaps. Find the Add a new sitemap section, and paste the concluding part of your sitemap'southward URL into the accompanying text field to create the complete sitemap URL.

Copypaste your sitemaps URL into the Add a new sitemap field Copypaste your sitemaps URL into the Add a new sitemap field Copypaste your sitemaps URL into the Add a new sitemap field

Click Submit, and Google will now add the sitemap URL to your Google Search Console, meaning that Google will start receiving your website's content in a handy machine-readable format.


In this tutorial, I showed you how to drive more than people to your WordPress website by registering with the Google Search Console. If y'all've been following forth, so you should now be receiving data in the Console dashboard, and you can starting time using this information to fine-tune your website's search engine performance.

Want to ensure your website is reaching as many people equally possible? We have a wide range of WordPress plugins that are designed to help boost your SEO, climb those Google search rankings, and mostly become more than optics on your WordPress website.

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If you lot're looking for a host for your WordPress site, check out SiteGround. It comes with an easy installer, gratis support, and automatic updates. Nosotros're happy to exist able to offering a huge discount of 70% off self-managed WordPress hosting, cheers to our partnership with SiteGround.

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