
How To Brighten Eyes On Photoshop

How to Brighten Eyes in Photoshop

How to Brighten Eyes In Photoshop

Do yous desire to your portrait subject's eyes to look their very best?  I will show you step-by-stride how to easily make clean up and brighten the eye are in Photoshop for a clean and natural edit that looks astonishing!

Photoshop Lens Flares

Footstep 1. Clean The Surface area Around The Eyes

Before I start editing the subject's eyes, I'm practise a quick sweep with the Patch Tool to remove any stray hair that may has fallen near the eyes.

Brighten Eyes Photoshop

Step 2. Brighten the Whites of the Eyes

Once I have removed whatsoever unwanted hair around the subject's eyes, I select the Lasso tool, and so select only the white area of the eyes.  Yous will need to press down on the Shift key to brand two separate selections on the optics, otherwise your Lasso will exist deselected when you move to the next heart.

Correct click and select Feather at a very small radius - normally between 2-5 pixels is enough.  Nosotros want to feather the selection then there are no harsh lines betwixt our adjustments and the original image.

Guide to Brighten Eyes in Photoshop

Since the white rest of the image is making the whites a very warm white, I am going to remove some of the warmth from the whites of her optics by reducing the vibrance and the saturation.

Click the Preview Box to turn your Preview on so that you can run into your progress with the Vibrance and Saturation.  Y'all do not want any white values to exist completely desaturated - you want them to retain just a hint of color, otherwise they will look overprocessed.

Use Photoshop Preview Box When Brightening Eyes in Photoshop

You tin also apply Brightness/Contrast as an actress heave to the whites of the eyes:

Use Photoshop Brightness Contrast When brightening whites of the eyes

Step 3. Heighten the Iris

This is my favorite office of editing eyes, just it tin likewise be the easiest aspect to overdo, so be certain to start off subtle and build upwardly!

Use the Lasso Tool again to select the center of the eye - the iris - then correct click to feather at a modest pixel radius (I feathered 2 pixels here).

In order to brighten her eyes without creating too dramatic an consequence, I am opening my Levels panel, and then bringing the sliders just within the bounds of the histogram.

Basically, I am just scooting all three sliders towards the centre always and so slightly.  This will heighten the overall contrast of the selected area past adjusting the highlights, midtones and shadows.

Once again, yous can turn your Preview on and off to bank check your progress:

How to Brighten the Iris in Photoshop

Stride four. Edit the Brow Area

The brow area is an often overlooked merelycrucialelement of editing eyes.  Adding just a scrap of definition to the brows will brand the subject's optics stand out fifty-fifty more.

In this instance, the subject's brows have lightened a fleck due to the light coming into the right side of the frame.  I am going to darken them just a tiny fleck using the Burn tool in the Highlights range, with a low Exposure of 17%:

Brightening Eyes in Photoshop

You can as well use the Burn Tool to darken lashes.  Here, I am burning the midtones on her lashes, just to make them a bit darker.  It's pretty much Photoshop mascara:

Editing Eyes in Photoshop

Here is the before and after of all the adjustments I just made:

Before and After Brightening Eyes in Photoshop

Points to Remember When Editing Eyes:

  • Subtle is ameliorate and less is more than
  • Remove unwanted portions (stray hairs, dust, blemishes, etc.) from center and brow expanse
  • Desaturate and brighten whites of optics
  • Employ Levels to heighten iris
  • Always feather at a depression pixel radius
  • Burn in portions of brows and lashes if low-cal is making them done out

Using Photoshop Actions to Brighten Optics

These steps should get you on the correct track to edit beautiful optics in Photoshop, still if you want to salvage a ton of time and brand your editing so much easier, brand sure to bank check out the easy to utilise however extremely powerfulPretty Retouch and Makeup Photoshop Actions Collection.

Retouch Photoshop Actions

The set includes absolutely everything y'all need for Portrait Retouch including an array of eye enhancing brushes and actions in add-on to all-in-one, color correction and "Magic" actions  that enhance skin, teeth, hair, lips, cheeks then much more!

Here are two video tutorials beneath so you can check them out yourself.

Retouch & Makeup Collection for Photoshop Video Tutorial

Retouch & Makeup Eyelash Applicator Video Tutorial

Would Y'all Similar More Help Editing Portraits?

If yous missed our previous portrait editing tutorials cheque them out at present!  They build on the basic simply necessary and important things you need to know when editing portraits in Photoshop:

  • How to Whiten Teeth in Photoshop
  • How to Smooth Skin in Photoshop
  • How to Modify Hair Color in Photoshop

    Practise you take any questions or comments about Brightening Eyes in Photoshop?  Leave u.s.a. a comment below - nosotros would Beloved to hear from you!  And Please SHARE our tutorial using the social sharing buttons (we really appreciate it)!

    Portrait Photoshop Actions


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